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YouTube may be too big to ignore. 广告商的问题可能是——它是否如此之大,以至于不必按规则行事?

字母-owned video giant 有 been surging on multiple fronts, even as it finds itself embroiled in multiple crises. 该公司 索赔 每月有1.25亿人在联网电视设备上观看YouTube. According to the most recent report from 尼尔森的 的 Gauge, YouTube accounts for over 9% of all TV viewership. Indeed, nearly half (45%) of YouTube viewership is on CTV. 对很多人来说, YouTube 有 assumed a central role in the living room, 因为它巧妙地利用了我们的移动优先文化,允许用户从YouTube移动应用程序远程播放和控制他们的智能电视.

经过十多年争取合法性和与最大媒体公司平起平坐的权利, YouTube is now a serious player in the TV upfronts, 和 有 an audience that simply can’t be ignored by certain br和s.

Social winds shift, YouTube monetization prevails 

与此同时, in the social video realm, 几年前,YouTube似乎一直在盯着一个存在的威胁, as TikTok 在现场爆炸,捕捉了大量的人们的屏幕时间. But after leaning into short form video, YouTube短裤 有  from 30 billion to 50 billion views a day on the platform.

尽管TikTok对YouTube(以及基本上所有视频行业的公司)的威胁几乎没有消失,, YouTube短裤 有 clearly resonated with consumers. Monetization 有 been a challenge, 因为short代表着YouTube比其长期库存更低的收益, but currently 字母 seems willing to invest here, 因为以电视为中心的产品版本继续在品牌中取得进展.


YouTube pushes regulatory boundaries 和 flouts its own st和ards

在过去的几个月里,广告领域的几个大新闻都与YouTube有关, 而且不是一种好的方式. First, the ad tech firm Adalytics 报道称,YouTube正在从其主要平台YouTube之外获取浏览量, violating its own st和ards via a program many advertisers didn’t realize existed.

的n, a few weeks later Adalytics released another 重磅炸弹, 报道称YouTube在针对儿童的视频旁边投放了定向广告,这可能违反了联邦法律.

You may recall that back in 2017 or so, YouTube上的广告被发现与一些非常糟糕的视频(恐怖主义或更糟糕的视频)一起播放。, 和 a slew of high profile br和s such as AT&T 抵制 YouTube for a considerable period of time. 当时,YouTube多次道歉,并发誓要解决问题.

当YouTube推出新举措时,称其为“Not it”会满足品牌的担忧吗?

Which is why it’s so noteworthy that YouTube vehemently 否认 these two Adalytics reports this time around – essentially saying, 这是无稽之谈, 和 we don’t have any problems to fix.

It’s hard to know whether YouTube is right, 或者利用其视频影响力,看看它能在多大程度上反击并毫发无损. 当然,该公司似乎有能力在一定程度上发挥自己的影响力.

至少这似乎是YouTube最近引发“争议”的原因——该公司宣布计划发布自己的视频 co-viewing measurement data for CTV buys.

更多的 marketplace advantages advertisers can’t ignore

This 有 naturally roiled YouTube’s TV competitors, 他们正在测试许多新的第三方货币替代品,试图在CTV保持竞争力. 就其本身而言, YouTube表示,它的共同观看数据是经过深入研究的, 不管, 它允许品牌引入其他第三方指标公司,以提供共同观看数字的第二意见.

此外,YouTube每年投入20亿美元 NFL周日门票 有 been a game-changer in the TV space. This strategic move positions YouTube as a formidable force, strengthening its foothold in the television arena. 这笔巨额投资不仅巩固了YouTube的地位,还增强了它对寻求CTV广告主要平台的广告商的吸引力. 

到目前为止, none of this noise 有 seemed to hurt YouTube’s business (in fact, revenue was up during 字母’s most recent quarter). Even as new rivals such as 网飞公司迪斯尼+ push into ad-supported streaming, YouTube sits just behind Hulu 在中央电视台的广告竞赛中.

+, YouTube目前在市场上有一个意想不到的、不同寻常的优势——而好莱坞由于多次罢工基本上处于关闭状态, YouTube’s increasingly robust pool of creators are open for business, 和 ready to deliver for br和s. 的先生. 《百家乐软件》吸引的观众数量有时可以与热门电视节目相媲美, 和 now the playing field is wide open.

Where will YouTube’s market share go from here?

品牌是否会因为YouTube的分析失败而惩罚它,还有待观察, or balk at its attempt at grading its own co-viewing homework. Right now, YouTube may just be too large a force to ignore. 与 多数 of the US population tuning in to YouTube, 它的视频, especially the long-form CTV content, 对于大多数广告主来说,在一个不断变化的市场中取得成功,这代表着大量的机会.

This is a reality YouTube seems well aware of.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from Lotame. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

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