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5G is not only the next generation of mobile technology—it will radically transform the media and entertainment industry. Promising greater functionality from the network infrastructure, it has the potential to create exciting new opportunities for broadcasters and content providers alike. The deployment of 5G networks will notably change live content production, particularly concerning how audiences experience sporting events, 音乐会, 以及其他主要的竞技场活动. 它还将实现更大的带宽, 数据传输速度快, 连接密度, 而且潜伏期更低. 这种连接将, 反过来, create new in-event experiences and an overall improvement to streaming quality. 

The 5G opportunity opens up significant new possibilities for both contribution of camera sources into broadcast production and new methods of audience engagement, 比如场内流媒体.

5G的大规模部署才刚刚开始; 爱立信2020年6月移动报告 found that 5G networks will carry 45 percent of global mobile data traffic by 2025 compared to less than 10 percent in 2020. 视频在其中所占的比例越来越大, and it is set to make up more than three-quarters of this traffic by 2025. This roadmap leads to the potential to change the entire media supply chain from production, 管理, 交付, 和货币化.


The increased use of mobile data in recent years has placed significant new capacity demands on networks. 相同的 爱立信移动报告 found that mobile network data traffic grew 56 percent between Q1 2019 and Q1 2020. This surge in usage has been one of the main drivers behind the rollout of 5G.

5G, however, needs an adequate radio frequency spectrum in which to operate. This spectrum is coordinated internationally by the International Telecommunications Union in its World Radiocommunication Conference and uses spectrum in three different bands; low, 中期, 和高. Each of these bands poses unique benefits and limitations depending on the application. 许可证本身是按国家分配的. 

The low band spectrum, in the region used by terrestrial broadcasters, has excellent reach. 然而, 因为频率很低, 分配的带宽——因此, 数据速率-是有限的. The high band (or “mmWave”) spectrum has existing users in the satellite uplink market and is where the massive data rates with 5G exist. 然而, this has a very short reach and is ideal for fixed wireless terminals. Mid band spectrum is an excellent balance between reach and bandwidth but includes the C-band frequencies used for satellite distribution, 比如国家频道, 在美国和其他国家.

c波段通常指的是3.7 GHz至4 GHz.2 GHz范围. The US's dominant use of this range is for program distribution of video feeds to broadcast, 电缆, 还有电信公司. 然而, to make some of this spectrum available for 5G, C-band users need to take action now. Most countries are currently holding spectrum auctions for various ranges within C-band, 比如在意大利, 2018年在哪里?, 它以3美元的价格拍卖了200兆赫的5G频段.7千兆赫,40亿欧元. This example is undoubtedly towards the higher end of the European costs, with Germany holding sales at around two-thirds of that price per MHz. 然而, what is clear is that the value of this spectrum to 5G mobile operators is very likely, 结果就是, 现有用户将需要采取行动.


C-Band migration has become a global phenomenon because of 5G capacity needs, 各国在具体的规模和时间上各不相同, 但有一个共同的趋势. 在美国, an incentive program has been put in place to accelerate the clearing of existing users in several stages, providing compensation for the costs incurred in adapting to the changes.

对于低频段频谱, the trend is for a progressive reduction in the available spectrum for Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT), 因为它被重新分配给低频段移动使用. In parts of the world that use DVB, early systems used DVB-T and MPEG-2. 然而, DVB-T2 and MPEG-4 AVC are now very widely supported in consumer devices, 提供即时的效率提升. 在其他领域, 例如ATSC系统, 迁移不是那么容易,因为有新的标准, 例如ATSC-3.0, are very recent, and consequently, the support in consumer equipment is much less mature. 结果是, 大多数现有的ATSC电台将继续使用MPEG-2, 在压力下占用更少的射频信道. 唯一的选择, 因此, 是为MPEG-2使用更高效的编码器, 更好地利用可用的频谱. 


Globally, actions are needed by C-Band users that are likely to be affected by this migration. One possible option, if some C-band spectrum remains, is just to use it more efficiently. 使用最新的编码标准, 例如HEVC和VVC, 每个信道使用更少频谱的能力得到了改进. This doesn’t fundamentally change the distribution system but simply makes it more spectrum efficient. An alternative is to embrace a longer-term view and include IP-based distribution. This is a more radical change but brings with it a higher degree of flexibility and futureproofing. It also means that there is the potential to use these connections' bi-directional nature—for example, 将内容从地方电台传回中央设施.

云提供商可以提供广域网连接, 和计算机一起, to enable media solutions vendors to provide these kinds of solutions. 在现实中, the deployments are usually hybrid satellite and IP because of the needs for a backup path and the practical needs of migration.

主要地区和国家的体育网络在美国.S. 都在接受这个解决方案, 包括公布, which recently migrated its existing satellite 交付 model for a hybrid fiber/IP platform.

随着5G网络的成功推出, the ability for content to be created directly from stadiums and large venues, delivering unique primary and second-screen experiences to 5G smartphones, 是巨大的.

The rollout of 5G networks impacts media businesses through both new and exciting connectivity options and the consequences of spectrum allocation changes. 5G将改变直播视频体验的游戏规则. The migration is already underway; the time to take action is now.

[编者注:这是来自 MediaKind. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers/]

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