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Get Ready - Advertisers Want Sophisticated TV Targeting for Omnichannel Media Buying


As the capability for consumer targeting on digital becomes ever more sophisticated, the scope of addressable audience segments on TV looks increasingly anemic. 公平地说,电视行业, 有相当多的技术, 操作, 为了从广播目标转向购买特定受众,需要克服商业挑战.

今天的数字电视运营商有机会收集返回路径数据,这改变了电视运营商了解观众行为的能力,这是前所未有的. This is the foundation for the development of hyper-targeting advertising. 它使运营商能够提供一组非常广泛的属性,广告商可以使用这些属性来进行定位, 将选择从二十多个广泛的人口统计类别扩展到数百个亲和组.

这听起来可能很棒,但你想想如何在一个运行在一个简单得多的平台上的电视交易生态系统中操作它, reach-driven commercial and 操作 basis. I remember the reaction from the media agencies when we launched AdSmart at Sky. 一开始是“哇”, that’s awesome” moment from those present, 大约三秒钟后,当我意识到这一转变的含义时,我脸上露出了轻微的震惊.

好消息是,电视行为定位的广度可以以任何适合当地市场或电视运营商运营限制的速度引入. 例如, the ThinkAdvertising solution produces a hierarchy, 这意味着亲和属性可以组合成更少但仍然强大的目标变量, 比如汽车行业, 技术, 体育, 金融, 旅行, 等. to enable a simpler offering to start with. As 操作 maturity and confidence increases, these groups can be expanded in levels to offer ever more specific target audiences, e.g., 体育 to Type of Sport to Club and even, Player.


Now let’s think of the implications on advertising campaigns across different mediums.

Aside from accurate measurement of advertising effectiveness, 广告商及其代理机构最大的愿望之一,就是能够设计和部署针对同一受众的广告活动, 无论何种媒体渠道.

Naturally, advertisers want to buy audiences efficiently. 目前, 广告客户很难在整个广告活动中计划和评估任何特定受众的覆盖范围和频率, 例如, 包括电视, 在线, 打印, 和户外. Given the huge spend on TV and digital, 尤其令人沮丧的是,这两个环境没有更好地结合起来,以方便向人们投放广告, 没有设备.

主题是, 当然, one that is attracting a lot of attention from media owners and adtech vendors. Multi-publisher initiatives, such as OpenAP, 是否值得称赞,并有助于为去重复和简化媒体购买奠定更好的基础.

然而, while this greatly improves consumer identification, 数字电视和电视的受众定义是否一致的问题仍然没有答案. 数字广告的主要进步之一是能够根据受众的行为亲和力来竞标和购买, rather than just by demographics or geography.

从历史上看, 数据供应商, 数据管理平台, 分析提供商使用自定义分类法来描述和细分他们的受众, with little or no standardization across vendors. This results in sometimes drastically different descriptions even for similar data.

互动广告局(IAB)试图通过引入受众细分名称的通用命名法来解决互联网广告的这一问题,以提高不同提供商之间数据的可比性. To facilitate omnichannel advertising, both the breadth and standardization of these audiences needs to be available on TV.

As I’ve discussed in an earlier article, behavioral-based affinities can now be created from first-party viewing data, 能够在可寻址电视中实现更大规模的目标受众群体. ……很重要。, 虽然, 这些受众定义与数字营销中使用的受众定义一致,以便全渠道营销活动能够真正发挥作用. 这些都是电视运营商在建立可寻址广告服务时要牢记在心的重要因素.

When considering the shift into TV behavioral targeting, the most important thing to bear in mind is that the future waits for no one. 千里之行可能从简单的一步开始,但这一步必须迈出. 电视广告仅通过提供广泛的人口定位来吸引大量广告收入的日子正在迅速结束. 复杂的电视目标定位能力的实施是现在可以——也应该——做的事情,目标定位的范围和规模的释放可以很容易地控制,以适应电视运营商的运营准备和广告商的胃口.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from ThinkAnalytics. 流媒体 Media accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

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