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流行的流媒体内容服务器公司 Wowza媒体系统 正在收购德国的云编码公司 Camfoo据Wowza消息人士透露. The deal was finalized today in Amsterdam at the annual IBC broadcast and digital media trade show. Camfoo is Wowza's first acquisition since the company's founding in 2005.

“Wowza products have been used by Camfoo for several years,大卫·斯图本沃尔说, Wowza的联合创始人兼首席执行官. "Combining Camfoo with our technology will provide customers with the simplest and most robust way to manage cloud streaming."

Camfoo uses Wowza Media Server as part of its overall offering -- a solution for managing cloud-based media streaming -- as a way to transcode live streams in the cloud, allowing its customers to send the transcode to CDNs or key online video platforms.

因为Camfoo提供实时转码, it can also be used to send transcodes to a number of online live video platforms such as Ustream, 转播画面, 和YouTube. The service also enables streaming to leading CDNs such as Akamai, 3级, 和关注, 据Camfoo网站报道.

Users choose their source stream -- satellite downlink, 来自ProRec软件的RTMP流, 或CDN提要——然后是它们的输出位置, with Camfoo's cloud-based transcoding handling the rest.

The entire service is a pay-as-you-go approach to transcoding, 它已经产生了一个重要的客户群. 自2006年成立以来, Camfoo开发了, 实现, 并交付1个以上,000个流媒体项目, including major music festivals and the British royal wedding.

Wowza is not just picking up the Camfoo technology, but also leveraging the knowledge of the Camfoo team.

"We’re proud to welcome Camfoo’s team and technology into the Wowza family,”  said Stubenvoll in the press release announcing the deal. "In welcoming Camfoo’s technology and team members, Wowza has signified its commitment to providing both small and large customers with the simplicity, 成本效率, 以及云的可扩展性."

“We’ve been working with Wowza for a long time,Camfoo联合创始人菲利普·安吉尔说. "We are excited by their vision for cloud streaming and thrilled about joining the team.” 

根据Camfoo和Wowza的说法, the acquisition offers significant advantages for the continued development and enhancement of Wowza Media Server.

“在Camfoo, we figured out how to stream anywhere in the cloud,Camfoo联合创始人菲利普·安吉尔说. “Wowza已经完善了任何设备的流媒体, 在串联, our technologies have a lot to offer the media and entertainment industries."

“一个好处是从成本的角度来看,安吉尔说。, "since broadcasters can eliminate satellite transmission by sending a single stream at the highest quality possible over the available internet bandwidth, and then all the transcoding and routing takes place in the cloud. The other key benefit is the simplicity of setting up and managing multiple cloud-based workflows from a browser."

这是对云的强调, 以及Wowza对云服务的承诺, provides a natural complement to Wowza's existing offerings and roadmap.

“我们本来打算推出类似的服务,克里斯·诺尔顿说, Wowza的产品管理副总裁, "and recognized that a number of Wowza customers were using Camfoo. So we began discussions around acquiring Camfoo and the teams were a good fit for one another."

The acquisition also complements another important piece of Wowza news announced at IBC, a tighter integration of Wowza Media Server with Amazon's CloudFront, which plays well to the pay-as-you-go model that Camfoo has used since its inception. Wowza customers can now leverage Amazon CloudFront from Amazon Web Services (AWS) with per-use Wowza Media Server instances.

"Customers can now efficiently stream audio and video content globally,诺尔顿说, ,到任何没有合同的屏幕, 每月的承诺, 或者预付费用."

This move to CloudFront leverages the per-use Wowza Media Server instances that were already available on Amazon EC2, but adds the complement of CloudFront's scalability and robust management reporting along with Wowza's multi-format distribution approach.

"Many of our customers are already using Wowza Media Server running on Amazon EC2 to distribute media,诺尔顿说. "By working closely with AWS to support Amazon CloudFront, we are now able to give customers the ability to scale and improve playback experiences for their audience without the higher costs and management requirements of building out their own origin-edge network."

Wowza cloud prototype encoders screen, integrating Wowza branding and Camfoo functionality


Wowza云原型工作流屏幕, letting users create a Wowza video workflow of origin servers, 转换器已经, 边缘服务器, and load balancers usign a drag-and-drop interface.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

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A small survey shows large expectations for multiplatform video, 视频是否在家里被观看, 在移动设备上, 或者在工作场所.


Expect big changes from the renamed Wowza Media Server, which now offers a GUI. Both first-timers and power users will be happy about it.

Goodbye Wowza Media Server, Hello Wowza Streaming Engine

The latest version of Wowza Media Server includes a name change and a graphical user interface to make the product easier.

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