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We've written on this topic before: solutions that allow an internet service provider (ISP) or cable operator (MSO)-or even a traditional telecom player-to rapidly introduce value-added content delivery network (CDN) services.

前面的文章讨论了两种不同的方法. 首先是媒体服务器的使用,如 Wowza的媒体服务器2,它提供了从通用H.264流,允许在多个播放器上播放相同的流. 第二类是由诸如 VideoExchange (VDO-X) 由Jet Stream BV授权, a Netherlands-based company to "anyone with an IP network" that wants to set up their own CDN. Both solutions use white-box or generic servers and then populate the solution with the appropriate media server software.

在联合解决方案中加入了第三种模式 MediaMelon公司., Edgeware AB.

Edgeware的视频设备——顾名思义——位于网络的边缘. 一段时间以来,该公司一直是业内知名企业, 但MediaMelon还是个新事物, calling itself a "provider of a cloud-based service for managing media delivery across multiple servers and networks" through its two product/services: MediaMelonDirect and MediaCloud. The former targets media companies who want to send their content out to a variety of CDNs, 而MediaCloud则为isp提供托管解决方案, 想要建立自己的CDN的mso和电信公司.

After the two companies made the announcement that their joint solution-an integration of Edgeware's Web TV servers with the MediaCloud software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution will be geared towards telecoms, 互联网服务提供商, mso和数据中心, 我询问联合托管服务和专用设备模型如何工作.

第一个问题是关于Edgeware的软件技术. When asked whether Edgeware's software technologies will be overridden by MediaMelon's technologies, 因为两者处理核心边缘场景的方法略有不同, 两家公司都同意了, 并对答案进行了一些扩展.

对于这个联合解决方案, Edgeware禁用自己的资产传播系统,该系统使用FTP或HTTP缓存,Jon Haley说。, Edgeware网络电视和OTT业务开发副总裁. "We have successfully provided walled-garden UDP delivery of IPTV with our first-generation appliance, 然后我们的第二代WebTV产品转向TCP传输, but we see the MediaMelon deterministic algorithms as a next step in heightening penetration of our WebTV product line."

MediaCloud服务在适当的Edgeware节点上推送和管理内容,Kumar Subramanian补充道, Media Melon的创始人兼首席执行官, ,然后跟踪每个节点对每个内容视图的性能. This ‘viewer experience' data is then used to optimize delivery for subsequent requests for that content from the same region or ISP."

其次, bearing in mind the previous 文章 which noted that the concept of a generic white box with appropriate media server software was good news for 互联网服务提供商, 美索, 电信公司希望进入CDN服务领域, I asked both companies what the expected reaction will be from traditional CDNs or even the more specialized online video platforms (OVPs).

广告赞助的OTT服务不赚钱(YouTube就是一个例子)。,埃奇韦尔的哈利说, 消费者也不准备为订阅OTT服务支付溢价."

“在我们看来,问题在于质量不可靠,”他补充说. "In order for CDNs to deliver consistent DVD/Blu-ray and broadcast quality video over the internet, 他们必须与其他中间和最后一英里的递送网络合作, 比如电信, 美索, 和互联网服务提供商, 所以CDN优化到与这些网络的对等点, reducing transit and the number of hops but the local operator then has to deal with the saturation problem."

"We think the joint MediaMelon/Edgeware solution will allow the federation of MSO/ISP content delivery solutions with existing CDNs where appropriate,MediaMelon的Subramanian说. “移动运营商和互联网服务提供商在提供更好的用户体验方面处于独特的地位, 但他们面临着与CDN相反的问题, 因为他们受到网络足迹的限制."

这种联合方法, 据两家公司称, 集成的关键是健壮吗, high-quality last mile delivery combined with the ‘off network' delivery of the boxes at the edge.

“接入线路和核心网络之间的紧张关系,哈利补充道。, "means that CDNs need to either persuade the local operators to let them put their caching servers at the edge of these core networks or they need to federate with the operator's own, 当地CDN. 我们认为后者是下一代的模式."

MediaMelon's CEO provided a brief overview of the delivery model, including the federated challenge.

"Our multi-source delivery and ‘user experience' routing manages content from the most appropriate server, 在本例中是Edgeware服务器,萨勃拉曼尼亚说, ,基于每个用户的实际表现. We gather client-side 信息 and cross-reference that to various delivery sources to choose how to route content within the time the media is being delivered. 这意味着视频的第一部分可以从一个网络上的一个缓存盒中播放, while a later part of the same video file will be played from a completely different caching box or network. 与从单个位置提供整个文件的旧CDN模型不同, we leverages chunks of streams from a variety of locations using this real-time performance."

“更大的挑战之一, 虽然, 是由原来的CDN方式带来的吗,萨勃拉曼尼亚继续说道, "in which pools of capacity are over-provisioned to attempt to deliver media content globally, 而不是使用联邦方法. 我们认为可伸缩性将来自联邦模型, 让服务提供商有机会立即扩大他们的覆盖范围."

"Think about how British Telecom (BT) could be perceived as or strive to be the best CDN in the UK,当被问及一个理论上的例子时,Subramanian说. “尽管它们在英国拥有全部产能,但在英国以外的业务范围有限. In order to capture revenue from UK-based media companies-who themselves are trying to reach a global audience outside of the UK-BT needs to offer publishing platforms to UK companies that serve a global audience while still lowering BT's own cost of delivery.

“那么如何做到这一点,而不是在所有目标国家建立自己的CDN?他接着说. “一种模式可能是BGP, 但这只关注最近的用户, while the MediaMelon approach-with its ability to deliver chunks from multiple locations, can measure performance from various nodes and serve the video stream from multiple locations using multiple Edgeware appliances, 不管它们驻留在哪个网络上."

最后, I asked whether the proposed joint solution had the potential to short-circuit internal development of delivery solutions that the telcos or 美索 have made part of their internal focus for the past several years. 

虽然现成的解决方案可以大大缩短上市时间和研发时间&D投资,埃奇韦尔的海耶斯说, "the joint solution also enables a highly differentiated CDN offering which would not be possible with standard servers and DNS based session routing. 在过去的十年里, operators have turned to off-the-shelf solutions for delivery of their own IPTV TV and video services - such as the UDP solutions that Edgeware provides - so it is logical that this joint approach to web TV will extend to video CDN services for delivery of other OTT services."

"The ability to deploy video CDN services faster and with greater flexibility is key to telecoms, mso和isp选择我们的联合解决方案,萨勃拉曼尼亚说. “使用MediaCloud覆盖, 提供者可以添加交付节点, 比如来自Edgeware的那些, 现有的内部发展, 以更低的资本支出提供更大的能力. MediaCloud为电信公司/ mso提供了创建/管理交付网络的能力, adding delivery sources over time internally and also through the federated models MediaCloud provides to extend the CDN network outside the telecom or MSO's regional footprint."

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