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There are many technical logistics for ensuring that all virtual audiences can smoothly access streaming events. 除了设置初始捕获之外, some of the biggest challenges can happen with virtual networking. “One of the things that we find is with the proliferation of tools, 访问内容很困难,蒙特·埃文斯说。, 视频技术高级副总裁, . “不管它是 变焦 and you have to get the right link or a meeting invite…well, 作为技术人员,我们认为这很简单, 像我母亲这样的人, 这真的很复杂.埃文斯指出,在大多数家庭中,网络是“残暴的”.” He says that it is important for technicians to focus on simply getting the content delivered in the most efficient way possible, 即使可能存在延迟增加等问题. 因为家庭网络的不可预测性, Evans says that “there are a lot of factors now that are not really in our control that used to be.”

“You're absolutely right,” says Andi Mann, Chief Technology Officer, . “The network is everything…you know, ‘it's never the network, but it's always the network.所以,这绝对是至关重要的.另一个重要的考虑, 他说, is managing the way that users virtually assemble for the event. “Everyone can shuffle into a physical room together, and that's not really a problem,” 他说. “Your gating factor is literally the width of the door and how many seats you've got in the room.“但是对于虚拟事件, the sudden arrival of a vast number of attendees is what he calls the “thundering herd.”

“当我们的现场活动即将开始时,曼恩说, “字面上的20, 30, 40,000人正试图上车. 当然, that just creates infinite contention -- anytime any one person tries to get on, 另一个人被踢掉了.” He says that 库 attempts to stagger the amount of people who enter their virtual lobby en masse. Even a matter of milliseconds of staggered access can help smoothen the process. “If everyone 和es in all at once, that thundering herd will absolutely crush you,” 他说.

西蒙·鲍尔,产品管理副总裁, 通知,同意. He says that at 通知, they closely focus on the logins per second ratio. “How do you make sure that even a millisecond delay on that is going to help you get the audience in, 和非常 big 大概有30、40、50、60、7万名观众? And we can support them, but we are advising customers to open up the stream ten minutes early. And if you've got an Enterprise Content Delivery Network (ECDN) in play as well, 更重要的是开放这一渠道. 它使所有端点变暖.”

“Interesting anecdote about opening up the stream early,曼恩说. “I've worked in large enterprise infrastructure for a long time. 当我主持网络研讨会或网络广播时, 如果是关于分布式系统或云系统, 人们准时出现,或者可能晚到一分钟. [But] anything to do with mainframe systems, 10, 15 minutes early -- all the time. 我不知道是什么,但他们想早点到.” He also notes that “redundancy be和es supercritical in hybrid events.“然而,在一场严格的现场直播活动中, if there is a failure of the projection system or microphone, 调整可以很快进行. “But you can't have that continuity with your remote audience unless you have redundancy,” 他说. “Back up encoders is something we work with and automatic failover between encoders. The quality aspect, having the transcoding and backup transcoding. 我知道其中一个赞助商是一家叫 LiveU, which provides a whole box that is fully internally redundant. 所以只要你有网络连接, 如果相机出现故障,您可以继续运行, 如果麦克风坏了. So having that level of redundancy so that when there are problems you have that continuity, 不仅仅是为了现场观众, 还有遥控器.”

Ultimately, the way that attendee engagement is managed is crucial. 小唐纳德·古祖卡斯.副总统; HB生活, 对曼的讲话, “To dovetail on what you said about opening up your stream early, I go back to the production value and having pre-show content that encourages people to join even five minutes early. So now that ‘thundering herd’ is showing up over the course of five minutes, as opposed to everybody clicking right at the top of the hour.”

了解更多关于虚拟事件的信息 流媒体西部2022.

看 完整的视频 来自流媒体东部2022.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

How LinkedIn and Lockheed Martin Produce Virtual and Hybrid Events

LinkedIn's Dan Swiney and Lockheed Martin's Eric Hards discuss how their organizations' approach to events and internal meetings has evolved since the pandemic's start in this panel from 流媒体西部2022.

How to Meet the Technical Challenges of Virtual and Hybrid Events

小唐纳德·古祖卡斯. of HB生活 talks about the best ways for event technical teams to set up and prepare for the unique network, video, and audio challenges for virtual and hybrid conferences during these unpredictable times


Parks Associates' Mindi Sue Sternblitz-Rubenstein and Howard & Associates' Andy Howard discuss the 和parative merits and short和ings of in-person and virtual events in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2022.


090 Media Head of Operations discusses the value of the viewing experience for remote viewers of hybrid live events, the challenges of serving both in-person and off-site live audiences effectively, and what it means for the future of hybrid live events as currently constituted in this clip from 流媒体 West Connect 2021.


Sage Event Management Creative 生产商 Blue Melnick explains his approach to enhancing the viewing and engagement experience for in-person and remote audiences at different types of hybrid events in this clip from 流媒体 West Connect 2021.

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