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本文刊登在…的二/三月号 流媒体 杂志,年度 流媒体行业资料手册. 在这些买方指南文章中, 我们并不声称涵盖某一特定类别的所有产品或供应商, but rather provide our readers with the 信息 they need to make smart purchasing decisions, sometimes using specific vendors or products as exemplars of those features and services.

Unless you intend to only stream live video to the web, you need video 编辑ing software. 具体地说, 你需要一个非线性, 基于计算机的编辑系统,可以摄取, 编辑, 然后保存视频文件,以便在线分发或通过DVD/蓝光.

虽然理论上你可以选择免费路线, 制作高质量的视频需要一个严肃的编辑套件. 考虑的候选人包括Adobe Systems, Inc ..微软的Creative Suite 5.5生产溢价(CS5.5)、苹果的Final Cut Pro X (FCPX)、Avid Technology, Inc ..’s Media Composer 6 (MC6), Grass Valley USA, LLC’s EDIUS 6, and 索尼的Vegas Pro 11. 本文将简要介绍每个程序提供的好处.

开始之前, 考虑非线性视频编辑的一些一般问题是明智的, specifically in terms of defining and then fulfilling your particular needs.

First, determine in what kinds of video file formats you will be recording raw footage. The variety of video cameras on the market means that there are all kinds of recording formats being used. 这些格式可能是专有的,也可能是开放的, but even the open standards won’t necessarily work with your video 编辑or of choice. So take a hard look at what you are shooting with today—and may be shooting with tomorrow—before making your decision.

这还不是全部. If you ever intend to use footage shot by other camerapeople and/or to use stock footage in your productions, your 编辑ing system must be capable of working with these formats as well.

Some 编辑ing programs cope with varying native formats by supporting them all; others transfer incompatible native formats into formats they can work with. Any time you convert something to another format, you risk losing data and injecting errors. If at all possible, choose an 编辑ing system that works with a range of native video formats.

性能是另一个需要考虑的问题. It is better to buy a high-end program that does lots of things efficiently than to save money on a budget-priced 编辑or that chugs along on your workstation. It may be important to have 编辑ing software that supports multiple users in real time without choking—but only if you intend to let multiple users access the same video files simultaneously.

你还应该考虑音频制作, 影响生产, 图形, and all the other elements that are employed to create professional-grade video. 你购买的编辑系统能很好地与这些系统配合使用吗, 来回导出数据而不令人头痛? 或者当你每次尝试引入其他元素时,它会崩溃吗?

然后是硬件. Will you be able to run the 编辑ing suite on your existing equipment, or will you need to upgrade? For high-end equipment, you will need to buy workstations designed to support the workload. 你准备好了吗?

考虑一下储存. 完成后的视频放在哪里? Does your preferred 编辑ing suite integrate to video servers and other archiving systems? 那么流媒体呢?? Will your 编辑ing system produce finished videos in the streaming formats you want? Or will an additional step have to be factored into the production process?

如果你先回答所有这些问题, chances are you will be ready to make an informed decision about which 编辑ing system to buy. But don’t just jump at the first appropriate solution you see: Take time to talk to the vendors to see what they have to offer. 还有一点家庭作业, you can end up with the right 编辑ing system at the right price and with room to grow in the future.

现在你心里已经有了这些答案, let us consider the five 编辑ing suites mentioned at the outset of this article.

Adobe Creative Suite 5.5生产溢价(CS5.5)

现在是1194美元 www.bhphotovideo.com, CS5.5对新手编辑来说可能有点贵. 然而,这个价格提供了一个功能强大的64位平台. 除了包括Adobe的Premiere Pro视频编辑器CS5.5带有After Effects(特殊效果), Photoshop(图像编辑器), 试音(音频编辑), Flash Catalyst(交互式Flash内容), Flash Professional (Flash创作), 插画师(平面设计), 媒体编码器 & 设备中心(为移动设备创建内容), OnLocation(元数据), Encore (DVD制作)和Bridge(文件管理). 换句话说,当你购买CS5时.5 Production Premium, you are buying a multifaceted image production system.

苹果的Final Cut Pro X (FCPX)

Final Cut Pro是非线性视频编辑中的一个传奇名字. At $299, 此软件的最新版本, Final Cut Pro X (FCPX), is an entirely new version (and one that received a less-than-warm welcome from longtime users). It is a 64-bit package that has freed itself from the tape-based heritage of nonlinear video 编辑ing, 从而提高了编辑过程的速度. For newbies who want to take the plunge into video 编辑ing on a Mac platform, 谁不受旧事物的束缚, 以及不需要CS5中丰富的额外功能的用户.5、FCPX值得认真考虑.

Avid Media Composer 6 (MC6)

At $2,499, Avid MC6 is the most expensive of the 编辑ing suites covered in this article—but it is expensive for a reason. This new 64-bit system is a fully professional platform that can even 编辑 3D stereoscopic video. Avid还使MC6与第三方I/O设备(AJA)兼容, Blackmagic设计, Bluefish444, Matrox, 和莫土语), 在购买硬件时,哪一种可以节省你的钱. Avid Media Access also lets users instantly access and 编辑 file-based media from RED and RED EPIC, 新AVCHD, ProRes, QuickTime(包括来自HDSLR相机的镜头), 索尼XDCAM, 松下P2, 佳能XF, 以及其他格式—无需转码或导入. MC6中还有许多其他特性. Simply put, this is an 编辑ing software system for people coming in at the high end of the game.


这699美元.95 nonlinear 编辑or is a 32-bit package that can nevertheless run on 64-bit Windows platforms. 就特征而言, EDIUS 6支持一系列视频格式, 包括对索尼XDCAM的原生支持, 松下P2, Ikegami女朋友, 以及佳能的XF和EOS电影格式. It can also manage multicamera 编辑ing from as many as 16 sources at a time; it provides real-time effects, 键控器, 转换, 和标题. Generally, it has the audio/video capabilities needed for professional 编辑ing.

索尼的Vegas Pro 11

起价599美元.95, 索尼的Vegas Pro 11 编辑ing software is available in 32-bit and 64-bit versions. 它出名的原因是它处理3D立体画面的能力. 该软件与DVD Architect Pro 5捆绑在一起.2和杜比数字专业编码器, 它为支持opencl的设备提供gpu加速性能. 就能力而言, Vegas Pro 11 is a high-end prosumer/consumer application—with 3D 编辑ing power.

所有这些描述基本上都是缩略图. 真正掌握任何视频编辑软件的功能, 买家需要在网上做深入的研究, 再加上与实际用户交谈. The point being made here is that there is a range of price and performance options available. Picking the right 编辑or for your needs is based on balancing current needs and potential future requirements with price and software usability.


现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Adobe Premiere Pro CS6:基本升级

Parallel encoding in Adobe 媒体编码器 and unlimited multicam highlight the enhancements in Adobe's latest version of Premiere Pro.


We're growing the 流媒体 brand with 百家乐软件app最新版下载 and an expanded Buyer's Guide section in this year's 流媒体行业资料手册.

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