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You've heard the 流媒体 team talk about the 流媒体状况调查, which are a series of, well, surveys about, well, the state of our industry. 以下是这些调查重要的原因, not just to data geeks like me and Michelle Fore, my lovely wife and principal data analyst at the Help Me Stream 研究 Foundation, 而是对整个行业而言.

From the survey creation and analysis side, the 流媒体状况调查 allow a look across four surveys in a 2-year period. We've had very few opportunities to gauge longitudinal industry growth (or decline) over the years, but the 流媒体状况调查 occurred at a time when the entire world suddenly became streamers.

Here's a quick example: In each of the past four surveys, we asked respondents to tell us whether they create media, 传播媒体, 或者两者都做. In 2019年底/ 2020年初, 46% of respondents said they both created and distributed media. Another 20% said they only distributed media, and 19% said they only created media.

跳转到 2020年底, and the numbers had already shifted to reflect a growing number of respondents who both create and 传播媒体 (65% versus 46%). 然后跳到 2021年底 with our most recent survey, in which 73% of respondents said they both create and 传播媒体. As Michelle notes, that's an almost 60% increase. In addition, we saw a corresponding drop in those who only create media or only 传播媒体.

交叉核对数字, we compared the data to the percentage of respondents who told us they did neither. In the 2019年底/ 2020年初 time frame, those who neither created nor distributed media accounted for 15% of all responses. That dropped to 8% of all responses in 2020年底, 2021年末, that number is well under 4% of all responses.

Here is another interesting topic: We asked respondents to essentially rank a number of market verticals that their organization provides services to, 包括教育, 礼拜场所, 视频点播内容, 和体育. Two of those market verticals—education and 礼拜场所—continue to see growth, 甚至到2021年下半年. 例如, organizations providing educational streaming services grew from 61% in 2019年底/ 2020年初 to 65% in 2020年底, and now 70% of all organizations offer streaming services to educational institutions. The same pattern held for 礼拜场所, from 31% to 35% to a current rate of 43%.

Two other market verticals mentioned—sports and VOD content—fell off over the same period. It's curious to see VOD dropping away, but that's most likely due to the fact that live events and live-linear streaming have picked up considerably over the past 2 years.

体育更像是一个难题. 2019年底/ 2020年初, we saw that 56% of respondents' organizations offered streaming services to the sports market vertical. 2020年末, we noticed that sports had dropped to 51% and called that out in the Autumn 2020 survey report as a trend to watch. 体育运动现在处于什么位置? 在最近的调查中, only 25% of respondents said their organizations offer streaming services in the sports market vertical.

[Editor's note: This article first appeared in the Nov/Dec 2021 issue of 流媒体 magazine under the title "We're All Distributors Now."]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


What do Lewis Carroll, OTT subscriptions, and submarine power cables have in common? 继续读下去!

Interactive Video on the Rise: The State of Streaming Autumn 2021

The fourth State of Streaming Survey explored the use of ultra-low latency solutions for real-time communication and interactivity, as well as revealing significant changes in the mix of live and on-demand video delivered to viewers.

Survey Says: The State of OTT Bundling in 2021

Jon Giegengack of Hub Entertainment 研究 reports the latest findings from OTT content consumers surveyed about how they're building their own bundles, 最新的捆绑销售趋势, and how many more services consumers are likely to add in the future as they navigate the wide world of OTT options in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect 2021.


盘点一下OTT的现状, with a look back at an unprecedented year and how it will impact the rest of 2021


The latest State of Streaming report shows that in addition to increased viewing, the pandemic has hastened streaming publishers' moves to the cloud and software-defined infrastructures.

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